During the clinic, Shreya, Eric,
and I ran the visual acuity station. After registration, we measure each
patients' distance vision for each eye by working our way down a directional E
chart. If they can't see even the top E, you can wave your hand in front of
their face and ask if they can see it. If they can't see your hand, you can
shine a light in their eye and ask if they see that. If they can see the hand
motion, you hold a number of fingers in front of their eye and ask how many,
then change finger counts as you move backwards one meter at a time. Their
vision is recorded by the most they are able to see. The worst vision is NLP
(no light perception) if they can't see the light, then LP (light perception)
if they can. Next worst is HM (hand motion), followed by CF (count fingers) at
a certain distance (ranging from 0.5 to 5 m). If the patient can read the
chart, you can record them at the vision indicated on the chart at the line at
which they can easily indicate the direction of all the Es (these are in
meters: 6/60, 6/36, 6/24, 6/18, 6/12, 6/9, 6/6, and 6/5). For instance, if you
can only see how many fingers I'm holding up at 3 meters with your right eye,
and but can read down to the fourth line on the chart with your left eye, we
would record you as VAR CF 3m, VAL 6/18. 6/6 vision is equivalent to 20/20
vision (I have 6/5 in both eyes, which is equivalent to 20/15).
On the way back, we bought fried
yams from a hawker for lunch. Hawkers are street vendors who walk along the
road with their wares in baskets on their heads. Hawking is technically
illegal, but, like having 5 people in a taxi, this rule is generally ignored.
It seems like a lot of people have about a meal or two a day from street
vendors and hawkers. For somewhere between 50p and GHC2, you can buy plantain
chips, sweet bread, dough balls (which taste like donuts), fried yams (which
taste like large fries) in hot sauce, bagged water, soda, biscuits, fruits, and
other snack foods. Hawkers also sell everything from posters to shampoo to
alphabet magnets (each one specializes in one or two wares), so it's kind of
like having a drive-thru Target around you any time you're in the city.
Today was certainly a birthday I won't forget, even if it didn't turn out as expected. On the way home, we hit a goat running across the road, which went flying into a ditch and promptly stood up as if nothing had happened. Goats, chickens, and dogs wander about seemingly without owners much like squirrels do in the US. We visited the Vodaphone store in Kumasi, where apparently everyone goes to get their internet, and bought a portable wireless hotspot. There, we met George, who doubled our data limit and gave me free calls to all Vodaphone numbers for my birthday. Alas, the hotspot does not get signal in our hotel, and now George won't stop texting me to ask what I'm up to. We had made big plans to head into town for the night, but getting back to the hotel to change took too long, so instead we're eating leftovers and playing card games in the dining room. Still a good birthday.
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